(Born in 1954 - Lives and works in New York City)
1970-75 Emily Carr Institute ofArt, Vancouver, B.A. Art History and Painting
1975 Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Studio course on video-performance
1975-80 Founder and co-director of Pumps Gallery, Pumbs Center for Art. An independent, alternative gallery,video-performance and studio space
1975 Purchase Grant — Artist Gallery, Vancouver, awarded 8 months living and studio costs
1977 Purchase Grant — Artist Gallery, Vancouver, awarded 8 months living and studio costs
1980 Project — Costs grant — Canadian Council for the Arts
1980 Moved to New York City
Solo exhibitions
1975 Pumps Gallery, Vancouver
1977 Western Front Gallery, Vancouver
1978 Pumps Gallery, Vancouver
1979 And/or Gallery, Seattle
1980 Artist Gallery, Vancouver
1981 Flavio Belli Gallery, Toronto
1981 Vehicule Center for Art, Montreal
1982 Alexander Milliken Gallery, New York
1983 Piezo Electric Gallery, New York
Civilian Warfare Gallery, New York
Limbo Lounge, New York
1984 Salvatore Ala Gallery, New York
Gallery 121, Antwerp, Belgium
Galeri~Barbara Farber, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Galleria Salvatore Ala, Milan (Italy)
1985 Zellermayer Galerie, Berlin (Germany)
Piezo Electric Gallery, New York
Salvatore Ala Gallery, New York
1986 Museum ofContemporary Art, Costa Rica Zero Gallery, Los Angeles
1987 Diane Brown Gallery, New York
1988 Milford Gallery, New York
1990 Milford Gallery, New York
1991-2001 Private Studio exhibitions